A hook to manage a value in the local storage.
function useLocalStorage<T>(key: string, initialValue?: T): {
value: T | undefined;
setValue: (value: T) => Promise<void>;
removeValue: () => Promise<void>;
isLoading: boolean;
import { Action, ActionPanel, Color, Icon, List } from "@raycast/api";
import { useLocalStorage } from "@raycast/utils";
const exampleTodos = [
{ id: "1", title: "Buy milk", done: false },
{ id: "2", title: "Walk the dog", done: false },
{ id: "3", title: "Call mom", done: false },
export default function Command() {
const { value: todos, setValue: setTodos, isLoading } = useLocalStorage("todos", exampleTodos);
async function toggleTodo(id: string) {
const newTodos = todos?.map((todo) => (todo.id === id ? { ...todo, done: !todo.done } : todo)) ?? [];
await setTodos(newTodos);
return (
<List isLoading={isLoading}>
{todos?.map((todo) => (
icon={todo.done ? { source: Icon.Checkmark, tintColor: Color.Green } : Icon.Circle}
<Action title={todo.done ? "Uncomplete" : "Complete"} onAction={() => toggleTodo(todo.id)} />
<Action title="Delete" style={Action.Style.Destructive} onAction={() => toggleTodo(todo.id)} />