Exposes a list of actions that can be performed by the user.
Often items are context-aware, e.g., based on the selected list item. Actions can be grouped into semantic sections and can have keyboard shortcuts assigned.
The first and second action become the primary and secondary action. They automatically get the default keyboard shortcuts assigned. In List, Grid, and Detail, this is ↵ for the primary and ⌘↵ for the secondary action. In Form it's ⌘↵ for the primary and ⌘⇧↵ for the secondary. Keep in mind that while you can specify an alternative shortcut for the primary and secondary actions, it won't be displayed in the Action Panel.
Use sections when the ActionPanel contains a lot of actions to help guide the user to related actions. For example, create a section for all copy actions.
Toggles Raycast filtering. When true, Raycast will use the query in the search bar to filter the items. When false, the extension needs to take care of the filtering.
boolean or { keepSectionOrder: boolean }
false when onSearchTextChange is specified, true otherwise.
Defines whether the onSearchTextChange handler will be triggered on every keyboard press or with a delay for throttling the events. Recommended to set to true when using custom filtering logic with asynchronous operations (e.g. network requests).
Callback that is triggered when the Submenu is opened.
() => void
Callback triggered when the search bar text changes.