
Function that creates a deeplink for an extension or script command.


There are three ways to use the function.

The first one is for creating a deeplink to a command inside the current extension:

function createDeeplink(options: {
  type?: DeeplinkType.Extension,
  command: string,
  launchType?: LaunchType,
  arguments?: LaunchProps["arguments"],
  fallbackText?: string,
}): string;

The second one is for creating a deeplink to an extension that is not the current extension:

function createDeeplink(options: {
  type?: DeeplinkType.Extension,
  ownerOrAuthorName: string,
  extensionName: string,
  command: string,
  launchType?: LaunchType,
  arguments?: LaunchProps["arguments"],
  fallbackText?: string,
}): string;

The third one is for creating a deeplink to a script command:

function createDeeplink(options: {
  type: DeeplinkType.ScriptCommand,
  command: string,
  arguments?: string[],
}): string;



  • type is the type of the deeplink. It must be DeeplinkType.Extension.

  • command is the name of the command to deeplink to.

  • launchType is the type of the launch.

  • arguments is an object that contains the arguments to pass to the command.

  • fallbackText is the text to show if the command is not available.

  • For intra-extension deeplinks:

    • ownerOrAuthorName is the name of the owner or author of the extension.

    • extensionName is the name of the extension.

Script command

  • type is the type of the deeplink. It must be DeeplinkType.ScriptCommand.

  • command is the name of the script command to deeplink to.

  • arguments is an array of strings to be passed as arguments to the script command.


Returns a string.


import { Action, ActionPanel, LaunchProps, List } from "@raycast/api";
import { createDeeplink, DeeplinkType } from "@raycast/utils";

export default function Command(props: LaunchProps<{ launchContext: { message: string } }>) {

  return (
        title="Extension Deeplink"
              title="Create Deeplink"
                name: "Extension Deeplink",
                link: createDeeplink({
                  command: "create-deeplink",
                  context: {
                    message: "Hello, world!",
        title="External Extension Deeplink"
              title="Create Deeplink"
                name: "Create Triage Issue for Myself",
                link: createDeeplink({
                  ownerOrAuthorName: "linear",
                  extensionName: "linear",
                  command: "create-issue-for-myself",
                  arguments: {
                    title: "Triage new issues",
        title="Script Command Deeplink"
              title="Create Deeplink"
                name: "Deeplink with Arguments",
                link: createDeeplink({
                  type: DeeplinkType.ScriptCommand,
                  command: "count-chars",
                  arguments: ["a b+c%20d"],



A type to denote whether the deeplink is for a script command or an extension.

export enum DeeplinkType {
  /** A script command */
  ScriptCommand = "script-command",
  /** An extension command */
  Extension = "extension",

Last updated