
Higher-order function fetching an authorization token to then access it. This makes it easier to handle OAuth in your different commands whether they're view commands, no-view commands, or menu-bar commands.


function withAccessToken<T = any>(
  options: WithAccessTokenParameters,
): <U extends WithAccessTokenComponentOrFn<T>>(
  fnOrComponent: U,
) => U extends (props: T) => Promise<void> | void ? Promise<void> : React.FunctionComponent<T>;


options is an object containing:

  • options.authorize: a function that initiates the OAuth token retrieval process. It returns a promise that resolves to an access token.

  • options.personalAccessToken: an optional string that represents an already obtained personal access token. When options.personalAccessToken is provided, it uses that token. Otherwise, it calls options.authorize to fetch an OAuth token asynchronously.

  • options.client: an optional instance of a PKCE Client that you can create using Raycast API. This client is used to return the idToken as part of the onAuthorize callback below.

  • options.onAuthorize: an optional callback function that is called once the user has been properly logged in through OAuth. This function is called with the token, its type (oauth if it comes from an OAuth flow or personal if it's a personal access token), and idToken if it's returned from options.client's initial token set.


Returns the wrapped component if used in a view command or the wrapped function if used in a no-view command.


import { List } from "@raycast/api";
import { withAccessToken } from "@raycast/utils";
import { authorize } from "./oauth";

function AuthorizedComponent(props) {
  return; // ...

export default withAccessToken({ authorize })(AuthorizedComponent);



type OAuthType = "oauth" | "personal";

type OnAuthorizeParams = {
  token: string;
  type: OAuthType;
  idToken: string | null; // only present if `options.client` has been provided

type WithAccessTokenParameters = {
  client?: OAuth.PKCEClient;
  authorize: () => Promise<string>;
  personalAccessToken?: string;
  onAuthorize?: (params: OnAuthorizeParams) => void;


type WithAccessTokenComponentOrFn<T = any> = ((params: T) => Promise<void> | void) | React.ComponentType<T>;

Last updated