OAuth Utils

Dealing with OAuth can be tedious. So we've built a set of utilities to make that task way easier. There are two part to our utilities:

  1. Authenticating with a service using OAuthService or built-in providers (e.g GitHub with OAuthService.github)

  2. Bringing authentication to Raycast commands using withAccessToken and getAccessToken

OAuthService, withAccessToken, and getAccessToken are designed to work together. You'll find below different use cases for which you can use these utils.

Using a built-in provider

We provide built-in providers that you can use out of the box, such as GitHub or Linear. You don't need to configure anything for them apart from the scope your extension requires.

import { Detail, LaunchProps } from "@raycast/api";
import { withAccessToken, getAccessToken, OAuthService } from "@raycast/utils";

const github = OAuthService.github({
  scope: "notifications repo read:org read:user read:project",

function AuthorizedComponent(props: LaunchProps) {
  const { token } = getAccessToken();
  return <Detail markdown={`Access token: ${token}`} />;

export default withAccessToken(github)(AuthorizedComponent);

You can see our different providers on the following page: OAuthService

Using your own client

import { OAuth, Detail, LaunchProps } from "@raycast/api";
import { withAccessToken, getAccessToken, OAuthService } from "@raycast/utils";

const client = new OAuth.PKCEClient({
  redirectMethod: OAuth.RedirectMethod.Web,
  providerName: "Your Provider Name",
  providerIcon: "provider_icon.png",
  providerId: "yourProviderId",
  description: "Connect your {PROVIDER_NAME} account",

const provider = new OAuthService({
  clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  scope: "YOUR_SCOPES",
  authorizeUrl: "YOUR_AUTHORIZE_URL",
  tokenUrl: "YOUR_TOKEN_URL",

function AuthorizedComponent(props: LaunchProps) {
  const { token } = getAccessToken();
  return <Detail markdown={`Access token: ${token}`} />;

export default withAccessToken(provider)(AuthorizedComponent);

Using onAuthorize to initialize an SDK or similar

This example is useful in cases where you want to initialize a third-party client and share it throughout your codebase.

import { OAuthService } from "@raycast/utils";
import { LinearClient, LinearGraphQLClient } from "@linear/sdk";

let linearClient: LinearClient | null = null;

export const linear = OAuthService.linear({
  scope: "read write",
  onAuthorize({ token }) {
    linearClient = new LinearClient({ accessToken: token });

export function withLinearClient<T>(Component: React.ComponentType<T>) {
  return withAccessToken<T>(linear)(Component);

export function getLinearClient(): { linearClient: LinearClient; graphQLClient: LinearGraphQLClient } {
  if (!linearClient) {
    throw new Error("No linear client initialized");

  return { linearClient, graphQLClient: linearClient.client };

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